Tourism revenue drops in Georgia
Compared to July 2018, this year, the revenue from the tourism industry generated $57.8 million, or 13.3% less. According to the latest data of the National Bank of Georgia, in January-May 2019, international tourism income was $1.1 billion, $101 million more opposed to the same period of last year.
According to the Georgian National Tourism Administration (GNTA), tourism in 2018 generated around $3.2 billion, $498 million more compared to 2017. In July, the country hosted 5.8% more (1,099,474 ) international visitors and 1% more (570,482) tourists, stated GNTA.
Georgian PM, Mamuka Bakhtadze, stated that the government plans to launch two programs to support the tourism industry in Georgia and lessen the impact of the Russian flight ban.
According to him, one program will support the construction of the hotels and the second aims to co-finance interest rates. The government will present those programs in September. He also stated that the state would ensure to co-finance bank loan interests for already existing small hotels.